

contact: info@jana-haenen.nl




Jana Haenen was born on August 8, 1988, in Hasselt, Belgium. She obtained her degree in Fine Arts at the ABK Maastricht in June 2011, after which she started a degree in philosophy and graduated from KULeuven in 2014 (with an exchange to Boğaziçi University, Istanbul). She is currently enrolled in the MSc Logic programme at the ILLC, Amsterdam.





Acquainted with the techniques of the old Dutch and Flemish masters, techniques as rigorous in their way as any developed by mathematicians; in my work I aim at fusing formal and artistic sensibilities by using different techniques and materials that are derived from classical oil painting, etching, and drawing – within the limits of chemical possibility. And, as it turns out, these limits have few boundaries.

As a student of logic, my conception of my work incorporates the formal; creating works of exacting technical precision yet not static and measured. I take it to be a dynamic process of change and possibility - a process that involves input, selection, consideration, production, reconsideration, revision, reflection.





All Copyrights © Reserved by Jana Haenen